Another holiday season is quickly upon us. 2021 has been a very challenging year, not only for our members but the country as a whole. We do have a lot to be proud of in the last year. Our members have stayed strong and continued to serve our citizens during one of the most difficult times that our membership has ever faced.
We secured a hard fought 4 year contract with the City of Kitchener where we have been able to secure maternity and parental top up for our members and also vacation improvement among many increases in our monetary benefits. WWHCCSS will be in negotiations in 2022 and we wish them all the success they disserve. We have unfortunately lost some members over the last year at the Home and Community Care Support Services Waterloo Wellington but that fight is far from over.
We have successfully transitioned to online meetings over COVID and have over doubled our membership participation at those meetings which can only strengthen us. We passed our 2022 budget at the last GMM and proposed updates to our bylaws that will further support our members in 2022.
We unfortunately were unbale to hold our annual Holiday Party this year due to COVID but we did pivot again and had a very successful Holiday Gift Card giveaway. Thanks to the members who assisted on those 4 days.
We want to send our warmest holiday greeting to all of our CUPE791 members and their families and we look forward to 2022 where we will continue to fight for and support our members.
In Solidarity,
CUPE 791 Executives