New Years Message

Hello CUPE 791.

As we step into the new year, I look forward to the year ahead. As most of you are aware, this is a contract year so as executives we will be busy working hard on the next collective agreement. A survey will be sent out to all members this month by email asking for some input in to our bargaining proposal.

This past year we have faced some challenges as we were without some long standing executives. Our other executives faced these challenges head-on and feel we achieved significant milestones, one being the new agreement on how vacations are allotted. We also won the right to carry over vacation time which we had lost since the COVID pandemic.

As we move into the new year, our work continues. Our union’s mission remains clear: to advocate for fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for the contributions each of you makes every day. We will remain vigilant, united, and resolute in advancing our cause and protecting the rights we’ve fought so hard to secure.

I am confident that 2025 will bring new opportunities for growth and progress. With your continued dedication and the strength of our collective voice we can achieve even greater successes.

On behalf of the union executives, I wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. May it be a year filled with progress, solidarity, and unity.

In solidarity,

Mike Eckert
President, CUPE 791

June GMM – Elections

I want to extend my sincere thank you to each of you who attended the recent executive elections at our June GMM. Your participation and engagement are crucial to ensuring our union continues to thrive and represent the interests of all members effectively. It was inspiring to see so many of you take an active role in shaping the future direction of our union. Your commitment to the democratic process strengthens our unity and collective voice.
Let’s continue working together towards our shared goals and building a stronger, more inclusive union for everyone. Once again, thank you for your involvement and support.

Here are the results of the elections:

COK – Vice President – Shannon Thomson
Treasurer – James Hilborn
COK – Grievance Chair – Akin Akintunde
LHIN Grievance Chair – Pat Jones
Membership Officer – Lynann McNulty
COK – Members at Large – Julie Beemer, Beverly Ritchie

Thank you to all whom accepted the nominations and the positions. Without members stepping up this union could not function. Best of luck on your positions.

Mike Eckert
President, CUPE 791

CUPE 791 End of the year Dinner and Party – Dec 16, 2023

Good Day Brothers, Sisters and Friends of CUPE 791,

The last day for ticket sales will be December 1, 2023. Please make sure to connect with Yolanda @ the KOF, Siobhan @ City Hall (2nd floor) and Patsy Ruigrok @ the HCCSS. Tickets are limited.

$20 for a single, $40 for couple – all money reimbursed night of event. Cash only, exact amount.

As always, if you plan on drinking, we encourage you not to drive.
Please take a taxi/uber; we want to keep all our members safe this evening.

Please make sure to get a receipt and we will reimburse your way to and from the party.

Thank you,

Shannon Thomson
Vice President – CUPE 791

June Elections

We held our elections at our June GMM – June 12, 2023, thank you to all the members whom attended.

Here are the results:

Mike Eckert – Acclaimed.
HCCSS Vice-President
Patsy Ruigrok – Acclaimed
City Grievance Chair
Charles Zeidler – Acclaimed
Grievance Member Support Officer
Catherine Valente – Acclaimed
Recording Secretary
Siobhan Delaney – Acclaimed
Member at Large – HCCSS (2 positions)
Pat Jones and Vimmy Memraj – Acclaimed
Member at Large – City of Kitchener
Akin Akintunde – Acclaimed

I would like to congratulate all the acclaimed Executives and welcome our new executives, thank you for stepping up.

CUPE 791 Holiday Party

We had our annual Holiday party this last weekend for the first time since 2019. Thank you to all the members and guests whom attended. It was a great night. Thanks to to our Executives Aimee and Pat from the HCCSS and everyone else who helped make it happen. It was planned in very short notice and the night went off without a hitch.
On a side note I want to welcome two new members to our Executive team whom were voted in at our October GMM. Charles Zeidler – Grievance Chair City of Kitchener and Tracey Dewell – Member at Large – City of Kitchener. I’m sure they will do great in their new roles with CUPE 791.

Mike Eckert
President CUPE 791

June General Membership Meeting

Thank you to the all members whom attended our virtual June general membership meeting Tuesday night. We had our elections last night and have a few members with new roles on our executive. We want to take this opportunity to thank Scott Gibson for his work as our Secretary treasurer the last few years, especially during the very challenging time of the pandemic. We are thrilled that he accepted his nomination for Member at Large (COK).
Congratulations to all our current Executives who were acclaimed and to our Executives who are taking on new roles.

The following are the elected / acclaimed members from last nights election.

Vice President (COK) – Shannon Thomson Grievance Chair (H&CCSS) – Aimee Proulx
Members at Large (COK) – Scott Gibson
Secretary Treasurer – James Hilborn
Membership Officer – Lynann McNulty

Hope everyone has a safe summer and see everyone at our next GMM September 8th

March General Membership Meeting

Thank you to all the members whom attended out March GMM. We held elections for the newly created role of Grievance – Membership Support Officer. This new position in centered around assisting CUPE 791 members with the challenges of WSIB claims, return to work planning, workplace accommodations, short / long term disability claims. This role was previously the unofficial duties of our Member at Large – Catherine Valente. The Executes are thrilled that she accepted the nomination and was officially acclaimed in to the position at our meeting. Congratulation to Catherine. CUPE 791 members could not have a better representative for that vital new role.
I would also personally like to thank Shannon Thomson our Vice President for Chairing our GMM Tuesday night. She did great and it’s good practice, as one day she will be the President of this Union.

In Solidarity,

Mike Eckert
President CUPE 791

Updated CUPE 791 Bylaws

I’m happy to advise that revised CUPE 791 bylaws were presented and voted on by membership at the January GMM. The vote was unanimous. A lot of the changes are clerical in nature due to virtual meetings and name changes. We have added a new Executive position – Grievance / Membership Support Officer who will be there to support members with WSIB, Return to work, Work Accommodations, STD/LTD. Out of pocket amounts were also changed, some new benefits for retirees with 10 years of membership and for members having babies. The bylaws now need to be submitted to CUPE National for approval but they have been enacted in the mean time.

CUPE Bylaws 2021 Final Edits (1)

Mike Eckert
President CUPE 791

Seasons Greetings from CUPE 791 Executives

Another holiday season is quickly upon us. 2021 has been a very challenging year, not only for our members but the country as a whole. We do have a lot to be proud of in the last year. Our members have stayed strong and continued to serve our citizens during one of the most difficult times that our membership has ever faced.
We secured a hard fought 4 year contract with the City of Kitchener where we have been able to secure maternity and parental top up for our members and also vacation improvement among many increases in our monetary benefits. WWHCCSS will be in negotiations in 2022 and we wish them all the success they disserve. We have unfortunately lost some members over the last year at the Home and Community Care Support Services Waterloo Wellington but that fight is far from over.
We have successfully transitioned to online meetings over COVID and have over doubled our membership participation at those meetings which can only strengthen us. We passed our 2022 budget at the last GMM and proposed updates to our bylaws that will further support our members in 2022.
We unfortunately were unbale to hold our annual Holiday Party this year due to COVID but we did pivot again and had a very successful Holiday Gift Card giveaway. Thanks to the members who assisted on those 4 days.

We want to send our warmest holiday greeting to all of our CUPE791 members and their families and we look forward to 2022 where we will continue to fight for and support our members.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 791 Executives

CUPE 791 – City of Kitchener – Contract Ratification

On Wednesday Oct 27th we held our ratification meeting and vote over zoom. We want to thank all of our members whom attended. Over 120 members attended the meeting and overwhelmingly approved the contract that the bargaining committee negotiated. The City of Kitchener has their ratification vote on November 22nd.

Special thanks to all the members of the Bargaining Committee and their absolute dedicated commitment to CUPE 791 members and the shared goal of always bargaining forward. (Shannon Thomson, Marc Hilker, Catherine Valente, Trevor Botting, Jeff Leslie and our National Rep Bev Newman.)

In Solidarity,

Mike Eckert
President CUPE 791